Thursday, March 10, 2011

The View from the Stage

First things first,
About me:
Well, in the world of standup comedy I am a prepubescent freshman; better yet, I’m more like a fetus in utero to be honest. Let’s back track just a bit.

I started my standup comedy journey- way back in August 2010, following my move back to Orlando, Fl after massively failing in my attempt to become a “writer” in Los Angeles, Ca. I moved to L.A. just a couple months after graduating college from Florida State University with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Communication.  Boy, imagine my excitement as I watched the world financial markets implode weeks before I earned my diploma and got a pat on my back from my University and family, saying “good luck!” Dammit! Why didn’t I major in Bio-nuclear-chromeo-physiology or something that would help me get, what other people call, a “normal” job?

Whoa! I’m not bitter I swear!

If it weren’t for my impulsive choice to move across the country and the lack of morality found in the banking industry, I wouldn’t be in the seat I’m in now and I wouldn’t get off this ride for a million dollars. I do what I love. I write and I get the chance to share stories from my life to strangers and most of the time, I get to see some smiles.


 How did my mistakes lead me to the perfect sensation, of feeling a wave of laughter hit my body and send vibrations throughout the wooden stage under my feet? That feeling is perfection; and that is the view from the stage.

Standup comedy is not in any way perfect or always pretty,  it certainly isn’t easy. In fact, it can become quite exhausting, but it’s therapy. For the comic, we release the demons that make us funny and the audience laughs at us and our misery; which somehow makes us feel like titans in a Precious Moments store.

It’s an amazing experience few ever experience for themselves; so we want to give you the chance to see a different side of the art we create, what we do, and what we love.  On behalf of Bonkerz Comedy Club and all the contributing writers and comics, welcome to The View from the Stage!

Adrianna Alexander

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